Monday, February 27, 2012

Cotton Candy Skies and Happy Thoughts

I know I promised to do better and not be MIA for so long without an explanation, but in all truth, the past couple of weeks have been a little like a roller coaster. 

First we celebrated our son's 23rd birthday (the 8th)
reopened the restaurant for the season and jumped right back into that hamster wheel (the 9th).

 We lost a very close and dear friend on Valentines day unexpectedly and it's been a bit of a rough go.
I decided to think and share some happy thoughts here, the Peter Pan kind that can lift a person up.
The above picture is a shot of the castle in Disney World as the sun was beginning to set.
Isn't that a perfect cotton candy sky?
It's the stuff dreams are made of.
Don't you just love cotton candy?

Then it became even more candy like with the incredible Christmas light display

The light show changed the castle from one image to another almost too fast to take it all in.
Isn't this amazing?

It even became a gingerbread castle

The fireworks display is unrivaled in my opinion.
I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to share this with my family, my parents, husband, daughter , SIL and my grandchildren.
The bitter reminder of how short life really is hit us hard these past 2 weeks and when I said the winds of change were upon me this year, little did I know just how much.
So I decided to make one more small wish come true.
Silly I know, but I have always wanted a real cotton candy machine,
to enjoy with the kids, now grandkids,
and when I saw this one for 70% off, ( I got one without the cart) I went for it.
I'm sure there's a science lesson in there somewhere that we can even share with the kids' classes, you know, heating and spinning the sugar into glass like strands, has to be scientific right?

The name made me smile because I always say to a newcomer to the art/jewelry world,
"congratulations, you've been sucked into the vortex!"

I will be heading to Art and Soul Virginia Beach in a few days and look forward to reconnecting with friends, laughing and making some more memories and acquiring some new skills.
It couldn't have come at a better time.
Will you be there?
I'll post our adventures when I return.
Until then, thanks for being here, live and love each day, and God Bless!


  1. Laura, what a year it has been for you so far! I am truly sorry for the loss of your good friend a few weeks ago. I am sending a hug through the miles...
    Your new cotton candy machine is so symbolic - and such a positive reminder to enjoy the sweet things in life...but I think you've always had a handle on that and appreciate each new day.

  2. Laura, you are such a talented writer. And a marvelous photographer!I admire your abilities! But even better than all that. . .you are a wonderful friend. Love you, sister! God bless! I see much sweetness ahead!

  3. I love to read what you write !! Is there anyhting you can't do well ?? I hope you got some of those writing skills from me....I love to be a part of your life wherever I far as the cotton candy machine married a guy who keeps me in shrimp & crabs & now you own a cotton candy machine...have I died & gone to heaven?...what else is next in my tag along travels with you ? I love you, your talents & your joy of life...miss you & love you dearly.....

  4. Hey Sweet Friend I hope all is well - this was a tough winter for us too. (((HUGS))) I hope things have gotten better - and seriously I wish I had a cotton candy machine! XOXO

  5. Oh WOW what a castle! And I know we've emailed about your friend and I'm still thinking of you and the family -- things are just not making sense sometimes, right?

  6. I love to read your blog. Thank you for sharing the pics of the Disney World castle, it is amazingly beautiful, and must be even better in person. Mireille


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