This week began with a very special birthday party. Our granddaughter turned 5 and asked for a flamingo party/ swim party. She LOVES flamingos. My ingenious daughter decided to secure a room at the local YMCA for the party and rented pool time for the party goers.
Notice our youngest grandson arm in arm with his big sister, monkey boots still on.
He did take them off to swim, briefly, replaced with the monkey swim ring.
I doubt there is anything in the world better than being a grandparent, and sharing in all these milestones.
(not to mention we just get to show up and help a little and enjoy a lot!)
As I have said before, all of our wishes have come true.
We are very blessed.
This expression says it all, pure joy! And she was so appreciative of everything, no "too much birthday" tantrums as is often seen at these events from some children.

Then we got domestic again.
What can I say, we are foodies for sure. We all get together and cook and eat and visit.
This time I made apple butter in the crock pot which was a great improvement over doing it on the stove top and having to cook it for hours and hours stirring constantly.
After it cooked down, about 20 hours, I ladled it into jars and processed in a water canning bath.
I had also made an additional 2 batches of pumpkin butter with pumpkins bought last week at the Green Dragon flea market in PA. only this time I decided to process the jars as well in the canning bath.
Thanksgiving is for us like it is for most, a time of family gathering and feasting and giving thanks for all of our blessings.
I personally am thankful everyday for my blessings and don't need one day a year to remind me what's important.
We noticed after we took this picture of Ray and I at our daughter's house, that the cabinet behind us had a picture of our son and daughter above us.
But we posed for a group shot anyway. It was good to have our son with us, last year he was travelling for work and couldn't be home.
Our daughter, SIL and 3 grandchildren hosted Thanksgiving at their house again this year for the second time, a group effort and still a lot of work.
I cooked 2 turkeys, the gravy, oyster dressing, fresh collards, cauliflower, sweet potato biscuits, sweet potato pies, apple pie, & chocolate cheescake. By the time we added what everyone else cooked and brought, we had more food than we could eat in a week!
Can you say leftovers?
4 generations picture
We never know exactly how much is left for each of us, or what the future holds, so these times together take on more meaning each year as we gather to give thanks for each other and all the good we have in our lives.
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving filled with family, good food and blessings through the holiday season and beyond!