Saturday, March 23, 2013

Focusing On Life 52 weeks~ Week 12~ Observe The Curve

Much like a roadmap,
a sewing pattern is a guide,
full of twists and turns and curves,
stop signs and markers and directions
taking you on a journey.
A little confusing at the start perhaps,
even overwhelming at times
but if you trust in the process,
and in the mapmaker's skills,
have a little faith,
you will end up right where you need to be.
This past weekend, I was lucky to attend The Sewing and Quilt Expo in Lakeland with my Mom.
I have been inspired to do a little more sewing ever since going to the ACC show in Baltimore a few weeks ago with my friend Bette.
At that show I fell in love with several handmade garments, gorgeous tunics and jackets that were unfortunatley WAY out of my price range.
When I saw the sewing expo advertized I jumped on the chance to go and I was not disappointed, as a matter of fact, I wish I had found out about it sooner as they offered many classes over the course of 4 days,  a good number of them in garment construction.
I may try to get to the one in Baltimore when it comes there and pick up a few classes  if I can get away.
I was able to pick up several designer patterns and some wonderful fabrics that I don't usually see in the average fabric shop.
I opened one of the patterns and immediately saw the answer to this week's prompt.
I have also wanted to use the posterization affect on a photo and the graphic nature of this photo lent itself perfectly to that.
Observe the rest of the curves over at The Sudio Sublime.


  1. I took my Mom - who is an excellent quilter - to the quilt show at the Dulles Expo Center last fall. She bought a kit, instead of making one from "scratch" as she had never seen such beautiful fabrics at the local sewing stores. I can so relate to this post and I love how your words describe how I feel when I open up a pattern and try to relate to what will be the final creation! Your posterization effect on your photo is awesome!

    1. Thank you Patti! It was my first ever sewing expo and I was really impressed with all i saw there. I had fun with that posterization, was just waiting for the right photo to use it with!

  2. Wowzers! I love what you did cool! Sewing is way to confusing for my I am one big admirer and appreciator of anyone that tackles it, and excels...but I love the perspective of your photos and the processing is perfect!

    1. Thank you Stacie, I have to be in the right frame of mind to sit down and sew too since I don't do it regularly or I can get very frustrated with it all. I have high hopes though!

  3. I used to love to sew... I finally got my sewing maching out from behind my computer monitor last year... and I bought some fabric last week so I'm getting there! Love your picture(s).

    1. That sounds like me too, i miss sewing things and can't wait to get back into it more!

  4. OMG the post-prod on those photos is just amazing...beautiful!! I sewed for years, made all my own clothes, and quilted for years as well, but I've moved away from it. Great success with yours!

    1. At one time, I made quilts for a living when my children were first born and I was home, called Comforts Of Home and advertized in a fledgling magazine called Country Sampler. Seems like a lifetime ago!

  5. That is so cool! I'd frame it and put it on the wall of my studio if I was a sewer. I haven't used my machine in many years. Keep thinking I'm going to give it a whirl though...

    1. I go through cycles, I get the bug to start sewing again and then I have a dry spell when i switch gears to some other obsession!

  6. I love the pattern with the measuring tape. Those are wonderful curves and an amazing photo. I agree with Janet. It should definitely be in a frame.

  7. Way cool pics Laura. Great job finding curves this week. It sounds like you had fun. I used to sew all my clothes but I haven't sewn anything for years. I have been thinking of doing it lately though.

    1. Necessity is the mother of invention and after seeing the prices on those jackets it became very necessary for me to break out the sewing machine again!

  8. Love your pictures Laura - great textures - made we look twice, and a third time, and then again... :-)

    1. Thank you, I consider that a great success then!

  9. I do love what you did with these pictures! I'll bet the originals could have stood the way they were, but this way the are really striking!

    1. Thanks Beti, I was wanting to use that posterization effect though and this prompt seemed the right time for it!

  10. Good luck with your sewing projects. I like what you did with your photos too.

    1. Thank you! I'm a bit rusty but hope it will all come back to me!

  11. LOVE, love the photos! And not just the processing but the subject. I love to sew, and used to make most of my clothes and my daughter's as well. Now I mostly sew home decor stuff. Good luck with your project!

    1. Thanks Annette! I used to sew a lot too and really have been missing it and especially when I saw all the gorgeous handmade garments at that show! Really got me excited to start sewing again.

  12. I absolutely love the photos you posted this week. So graphic and tactile . Love that cloth like texture.

    1. Thanks Mary, I though it was appropriate too, glad it came across that way to you!

  13. Your pics are super cool - love whatever it is you did - they're awesome! My step-mom sewed up a storm,...wish she would have taught me!

    1. Thanks Shel, I originally learned to sew like everyone else in Jr High, 7th grade, making the apron. Then after that pretty much on my own. The photos were done with the posterization effect, I loved it too and couldn't wait to use it one something relevent.

  14. How very cool. I keep trying to sew but it never comes out right!

    1. It does take a lot of practice to fine tune your sewing skills. There are many things that i will still shy away from having to do out of fear of screwing it up! One step at a time I guess.

  15. Hi Laura,
    Have fun making your outfits. I love your photos.

  16. Oh how I love the images and what you've written. And I'm a little envious over that expo. Coincidentally, I was looking at tunic patterns just yesterday - never sew clothing for myself, but I've got a yen. :)
    Enjoy your holiday weekend sweet lady.

    1. Lori, I actually thought of you while at the show. There were Juki reps there and lots of machines and I remember the post way back when , when you got yours. You'd be a natural at sewing clothing with what you can do with thoe bags!

  17. Oh my! Oh my! Laura, I love, love, love the way you interpreted the prompt and your words!! BEAUTIFUL!!! I had no idea that you sew. I hope you get some time to work with the new patterns and fabric and hope you will share pics of what you create!

    1. Thanks Sally! I wish i had more time for all those fun ventures too! I'll get there though! thankfully, the weather is warming and I won't need the jackets for awhile!


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